kotlin 字符串反转_Kotlin程序反转字符串中的每个单词

news/2024/7/19 12:38:55 标签: 字符串, 列表, python, 正则表达式, .net

kotlin 字符串反转

Given a string, we have to reverse its each word.




    string = "Hello world"

    "olleH dlrow"

程序在Kotlin中反转每个单词 (Program to reverse each word in Kotlin)

At first, we are reading a string, then splitting and converting the string to a string list, then extracting each word, reversing the words, and finally creating the string with reverse words.


package com.includehelp.basic

import java.util.*

//Method to reverse each word in provided April20.string
fun reverseWord(inputString: String): String {
    //split April20.string by space
    val strList = inputString.split(" ")  // Spilt String by Space
    val sb = StringBuilder()

    //iterate April20.string List
    for (items in strList) {
        if (items != "") {
            //reverse List item and reverse them
            val rev = StringBuilder(items).reverse().toString()

            //append reverse April20.string into String Builder
            sb.append("$rev ")

    //return final reverse April20.string
    return sb.toString()

//Main Function, entry Point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    //Input Stream
    val sc = Scanner(System.`in`)

    //input April20.string value
    println("Input String : ")
    val str: String = sc.nextLine()

    println("Input String : $str")

    //Call function for reverse words in April20.string and print them
    println("String with Reverse Word : " + reverseWord(str))



Run 1:
Input String :
Hello include help
Input String : Hello include help
String with Reverse Word : olleH edulcni pleh
Input String :
Hello I am in Delhi, How are you
Input String : Hello I am in Delhi, How are you
String with Reverse Word : olleH I ma ni ,ihleD woH era uoy

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/reverse-each-word-in-string.aspx

kotlin 字符串反转






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