flash 烟花模板_Flask模板引擎中的For循环

news/2024/7/19 11:29:32 标签: 列表, python, java, vue, web

flash 烟花模板

Flask comes with a Jinja templating language. The template essentially contains variables as well as some programming logic, which when evaluated are rendered into HTML with actual values. The variables and/or logic are placed between tags or delimiters.

Flask带有Jinja模板语言 。 该模板实质上包含变量以及一些编程逻辑,这些逻辑在进行评估时会以实际值呈现为HTML。 变量和/或逻辑放置在标签或定界符之间。

Jinja templates are HTML files which by flask conventions are placed in the templates folder in the Flask project.


Having a loop of the list of users or any list as a matter is a very obvious requirement in a web application. It would be very naïve and unmanageable to add a new page for every new item in the list. Here is where the for-loop in the jinja templates are useful.

Web应用程序中非常明显的要求是拥有用户列表或任何列表循环 。 为列表中的每个新项目添加一个新页面将非常幼稚且难以管理。 这是Jinja模板中的for循环有用的地方。

Consider the following example,


from flask import Flask, render_template

app = Flask(__name__)

def jinja_test():
    return render_template('include_help.html', my_string="Include Help!", my_list=[0,1,2,3,4,5])
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host='', port=5005)

In the above example, when in the browser the user navigates to http://localhost:5005/jinja the rendered web page will sequentially display the list number.

在上面的示例中,当用户在浏览器中导航到http:// localhost:5005 / jinja时 ,呈现的网页将顺序显示列表号。

The list could as simple as a list of numbers or users or profiles to make it complex.


The 'include_help.html' is implemented as

“ include_help.html”的实现方式为


    <title>Include help Template Example</title>

    <p>Your lucky number is ;) : {{my_list[3]}}</p>
    <p>Loop through the list:</p>
        {% for n in my_list %}
        {% endfor %}


On rendering of the template, the my_string and my_list is replaced with the actual values sent from the backend code. The my_list is then iterated using a for loop. The for loop starts with a for and ends with endfor inside the {%%} tag.

呈现模板时, my_string和my_list替换为从后端代码发送的实际值。 然后使用for循环迭代my_list 。 for循环以{%%}标记内的for开头,以endfor结尾。

On running the above code, the html rendered is,


for loop in Python flask

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/python/for-loop-in-flask-template-engine.aspx

flash 烟花模板



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